
Welfare Reform Proposals

Here we are in the middle of a very controversial funding approach to the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act, and the social engineers paid by the Ford Foundation propose another onslaught on Social Security benefits.

Emphasis is placed on the excess of what individuals have themselves contributed to the program. Don’t mention the employers’ contribution and the earnings accumulations over some 40 years. These people have a blatant contempt for the working people of this country, and are confusing the middle class with the well-to-do.

Which brings me to the foundations. Is it not about time that we start examining the untaxed billions of dollars, very questionable to the common good, socked away while the general public was taxed to the hilt? I suggest a minimum tax on all foundation earnings, and a one-time surcharge on all foundation capital. Furthermore, let’s review foundation tax rules and adherence to assure tax equity.



