
Runaway Movies

Gerald Reed’s May 14 letter warning of the exodus of film production from California was almost what I wanted to say, but I wish to add a few points.

It is a shame that our state and local officials have contributed to runaway film production. They and the unions are the culprits. The politicians know how to tax movie production to death. And the unions are pressing for higher and higher wages.

I don’t blame companies that move to other states or countries to keep cost down.

Angelenos should be very disturbed about the new theme parks/studios in Florida built by MCA-Disney and Universal Studios. We seem to forget that Las Vegas ignored Atlantic City when it opened gambling casinos. Detroit likewise was indifferent to the auto industry leaving the city. Mankind doesn’t learn.


Californians don’t know what they have; and if they don’t value it, they won’t try to preserve it.


Los Angeles
