
Seeing a Clean Sweep of Chimney Issue

Leonard Ross of Hollywood needs to replace a glass chimney in one of his Colonial-style wall lamps. (He’ll even buy four matching ones and also replace the other three.) But so far he’s completely in the dark as to where such a source might be located. Can you come up with an electrifying thought for Ross, or will he be forced to climb the wall to shed some light on this matter?

On a similarly shady topic, C. H. Walker of Downey wants to find someone who can replace a 50-year-old lamp shade and re-cover the frame. Can you put Walker into the correct frame of mind, or will he have to pull a lot of strings before his current problem is solved?

Diana Christianson of Carlsbad would like to find some pine tar for her wooden cross-country skis; none of the hardware, ski, sport and marine stores she visited had any. Can you help Christianson without giving her a snow job, or will she never wax happily because it looks like it’s all downhill for her?


Vera Palmiero of Van Nuys cannot find hosiery with a cotton foot. Can you put Palmiero on a more solid footing, or will she be convinced she doesn’t have a leg to stand on since no one wants to cotton to her wishes?

Reader-to-Reader Help Line: Michelle at (213) 207-8453 needs the shelf parts for an old Whirlpool refrigerator/freezer. Please don’t shelve this request; instead, make sure things are cool again at Michelle’s. . . . Lillian at (805) 937-3157 would like a videotape, especially of the antique cars, of the 1988 Auto Show held at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Please get rolling on this and make sure that Lillian has a good view of all these old mobiles. . . . And speaking of wheels, David at (213) 328-0531 needs an Avia police motorcycle speaker for a 1952 Harley-Davidson police motorcycle that he is restoring.

Note: The Reader-to-Reader Help Line is only for one-time items or for products no longer available in stores. And you must give us written permission to publish your telephone number, so that others may contact you directly.

Toby Ann Kelson, who wanted a table-top hair dryer, will either have to table her request or take the mail-order route. According to Phyllis Walker of Los Angeles, the Fuller Brush Co., (800) 522-0024, lists a salon-type dryer for $59; the Vermont Country Store, (802) 362-2400, has a plastic-bonnet type for $49.95.

Elsie Trimble of Tujunga, who wanted a breath freshener for a dog who does a lot of traveling with her, won’t have to hold her breath much longer. Arlene Cabler of Oceanside suggests disguising some parsley pills (available in any health food store) in raw hamburger, or hoping that the dog will eat chopped-up sprigs of parsley. Connie Miller says her sister uses a squirt of lemon juice from a plastic container and claims it has been effective.


Hain cannot answer mail personally but will, space permitting, respond in this column to readers who need--or have--helpful information. Write (do not telephone) to You Can Help!, You section, the Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles 90053.
