
Just 34% of Land in County Left Vacant

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that vacant land is becoming more scarce in Orange County. Since 1980, vacant land in the county has decreased 12.8% to 177,188 acres, or 34.6% of the total. In 1972, almost half the land in the county was vacant.

Vacant land still is the largest single land category in the county. Residential land is second with 132,304 acres, a 7.3% increase since 1980.

The amount of land set aside as open space has increased 15.1% since 1980 to 117,022 acres.



Percent Acreage Acreage Acreage Change 1972 1980 1985 1980-85 Residential 100,351 123,285 132,304 7.3 Commercial/Office 12,713 18,717 19,457 4.0 Industrial 12,552 18,125 19,913 9.9 Open Space 85,730 101,669 117,022 15.1 Extractive 11,725 9,166 8,481 -7.5 Vacant/Uncommitted 254,493 203,287 177,188 -12.8 Public 33,259 36,459 37,272 2.2 Total 510,823 510,708 511,637 0.2

Source: Orange County Administrative Office and Southern California Edison
