
Riparian Habitat

Your article regarding Southern California’s disappearing riparian habitat (June 4) should light a fire under virtually every environmental group and individual in Orange County.

I personally have read and reviewed several hundred environmental impact reports involving various Orange County developments covering many years. Many were reviewed for comparison, many for comment. Guessing, 80% involved some amount of riparian habitat.

Your article on the loss of riparian habitat only touches the tip of the iceberg. No doubt that the corps (U.S. Army Engineers) have clearly failed in their stewardship of water resources. That, I am afraid, is an ugly “given.” The state Department of Fish and Game has also failed.


In addition, the county of Orange has consistently refused to take a hard-line stand, or, in fact, any stand, on riparian preservation. Individuals have been working for some five-plus years for riparian ordinance protection. I have yet to see Orange County develop a strong ordinance, let alone strong policy. Even the ongoing Orange County Resource Element amendment of the General Plan, an outgrowth of the Growth Management Element, is inexcusably overdue. Developers get approvals. Those interested in preserving riparian resources for human and wildlife alike get smiles, excuses and inaction.

To make matters even worse, I have personally reported at least five stream-bed/grading violations to the County of Orange. Each of these five were, in fact, illegally graded. None was fined or prosecuted despite the county’s duty to do so. Apparently, the district attorney’s office is “reluctant” to enforce county ordinances.

We have at least three agencies with the ability to do something. Each is supported by tax dollars (and in some cases political donations). None is doing anything. The habitat loses, wildlife loses, and the public loses. Developers, on the other hand, just keep on processing plans and getting approval after approval.




Rural Canyon Residents Assn.
