
Murder in El Salvador

Seldom do we see in our American press such a clear and unqualified analysis of a situation as that given by Richard Goodwin “Aid to El Salvador Is Aid to Murder,” (Op-Ed Page, June 12).

For the last eight years the pleas of the Salvadoran and Central American churches as well as our own efforts from the refugee community in Los Angels have fallen on deaf ears in Congress. While members of Congress, with the accustomed arrogance in their attitudes toward Latin America, play politics around this issue thousands continue to die in a senseless slaughter of mostly innocent people.

The mood in Congress, even among those who should know better, is: “Give Cristiani a chance.” To do what? To continue as the smoke screen behind which Roberto D’Aubuisson and his death squad Arena Party can put American dollars in the pockets of the rich and toward the murder of the poor.



Our Lady Queen of Angels Church

Los Angeles
