
Praise for an Ex-Skinhead

Regarding Gregory Withrow (“Diary of a Skinhead” by Nancy Wride, June 14): This is an open letter to all young and not-so-young white supremacists, neo-Nazis and “skinheads.”

Once Gregory Withrow was one of you. Now he is a true example of heroism. Once ruled by a dated narrow-minded view of “Aryan Utopia,” and “death to all non-white races,” he now is a true example of real white power--a power that doesn’t strive to be overlord of the world, but instead learned through past mistakes and resultant hardship to coexist with all other races with pride in their own achievements and skills, and a keen awareness of other cultures’ and ethnic groups’ achievements as well.

We are all people--whether black or white, Latino or Oriental. Follow his example and you too will become heroes in a true Utopia.



Simi Valley
