
Bradley Takes Oath for Fifth Term : Vows ‘More Livable, More Prosperous and More Just’ City

Times City County Bureau Chief

Tom Bradley, facing investigations that threaten his political career, became Los Angeles’ first five-term mayor today with a pledge to make his city “more prosperous, more livable and more just.” There was no mention of the probes of his personal finances in his speech prepared for an inaugural ceremony on the sunny First Street steps of City Hall.

Rather, he sought to look beyond the immediate future, mapping out an agenda for the city for the next four years designed to funnel more municipal resources into programs for the poor.

“The headlines will come and go,” he said. “The 30-second sound bites will be heard and then fade away and be forgotten; what will remain long after we are gone, what will count in the ultimate balance, are the doors of opportunity that have been opened, the air that has been cleaned, the neighborhoods that have been given new life, a generation that has been given new hope.”


Strongly implying that he believes that his place in history will be determined by his handling of such issues rather than the current investigations, Bradley said, “All of this--and more--will be the real test of our success or failure, and in meeting that need, nothing will be permitted to distract our attention or sap our energy.”

Target of Investigations

Since Spring, Bradley has been the target of probes by federal and city officials into his stock transactions and his employment by two local financial institutions which had business pending before the city.

Also sworn in with Bradley were two high city officials in charge of aspects of the probes, City Atty. James K. Hahn and Controller Rick Tuttle.


Bradley pledged to propose a “new strategy” to drive drugs and violence from public housing projects.

And he reiterated his determination to obtain more revenue from downtown redevelopment, an effort now held up by legal and political disputes.

The mayor also said he will soon announce a program to reduce pollution of Santa Monica Bay from storm drains flowing into it.


Bradley promised to spur economic development of poor areas. “Los Angeles cannot permanently exist as two cities--one amazingly prosperous, the other increasingly poorer in substance and hope,” he said.
