
Most of Aliso Beach Reopens; Sewage Spill Keeps 1 Site Closed

On the eve of the long Fourth of July weekend, Orange County health officials on Friday reopened all but a 1,000-foot stretch of Aliso Beach, which has been closed for more than a week because of a 900,000-gallon raw sewage spill.

The order to reopen most of the popular South Laguna beach was issued after test results showed that bacteria levels in the ocean had dropped significantly, eliminating any threat to swimmers, a Laguna Beach lifeguard spokesman said.

However, the shore and surf about 500 feet on each side of the mouth of Aliso Creek, where the sewage spilled into the ocean June 22, was expected to remain closed through Tuesday because of continuing evidence of contamination, the spokesman said.


The spill occurred when an aging, 21-inch sewer line leading to the South Coast Water District ruptured, dumping raw effluent into Aliso Creek. The creek empties into the ocean north of the fishing pier at Aliso Beach, which is part of Aliso Beach County Park. A mile-long bathing quarantine was established from Table Rock on the southeast to Treasure Island Point on the northwest.

It was the third and largest sewage spill this year at Aliso Beach. Spills from other pipes crossing beneath the creek bed dumped 170,000 gallons in January and 300,000 gallons in March.
