
Garvey Adept at Taking Both Sides of the Issue

Two apparently contradictory stories about Steve Garvey’s view of Pete Rose’s situation appeared in today’s (June 27, 1989) Times.

In the Sports section, Sam McManis, in his story, “Split Decision,” claims that Garvey believes that if Rose is found guilty of betting on his own team that he should not be banned from baseball for life. Garvey allegedly stated, “I’m more of a compassionist . . . I would think in terms of a (milder) decree if I’m the commissioner.”

However, in the Calendar section, Judith Michaelson, in her story, “Garvey Goes to Bat for Talk Radio,” claims that Garvey, off the air, stated that if Rose bet on his own team he should be “banned for a lifetime.”


Did one of these reporters misquote Garvey or is he simply getting an early start on his political career by talking out of both sides of his mouth?


Beverly Hills

Editor’s note: The Times noticed Garvey’s double-talk, too, and took note of it in these pages the next day.
