
Baby Born at Jail in Satisfactory Condition

A baby girl born at the Van Nuys Jail on Friday night was in satisfactory condition at Valley Presbyterian Hospital on Saturday morning, authorities said.

The mother, Mandie Williams, 20, of Pacoima, was arrested early Friday on suspicion of selling cocaine. Jail guards moved Williams to the medical dispensary about 9 p.m. Friday after she complained of discomfort. The baby was born 17 minutes later, said Los Angeles Police Sgt. Charles Swanson.

Swanson said he had not heard of any other babies being born in the jail.

“Usually the births don’t occur so rapidly, and we are able to take them to the hospital,” he said. “Everything went so smoothly though; the baby delivered herself.”


After the birth, Williams and her daughter were taken to Valley Presbyterian Hospital. Williams was released on her own recognizance, Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies said.
