

Tuesday is Independence Day--also known as the Fourth of July--designated to celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The following will be closed

Tuesday in observance of the holiday:

All city, county, state and federal offices.

Schools, including colleges and universities.

County, state and federal courthouses.

City and county libraries.

Banks and savings and loan institutions.

All post offices. Mail deposited in mailboxes will be picked up according to the posted holiday schedule.

GOVERNMENT OFFICES: On Monday, city offices, with the exception of Fountain Valley’s, will be open during normal business hours. County, state and federal offices and courts also will be open Monday.


TRASH: There also will be regular trash pickup in all areas of Orange County on Monday. There will be no trash pickup on Tuesday, and refuse collection will be a day late the rest of the week.

ORANGE COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT: Buses will run on regular schedules Monday but will be on holiday schedules Tuesday. There will be no dial-a-ride and car-pool services available Tuesday.

PARKS: All city- and county-run parks and recreation facilities will be open their regular hours Monday and Tuesday.
