
South Laguna : Part of Aliso Beach May Stay Closed for Holiday

Although most of Aliso Beach remained open Sunday, a 1,000-foot stretch of oceanfront and the banks of Aliso Creek remained closed because of traces of unhealthful raw sewage in the water.

Lifeguards said they do not know whether the 500-foot strip of shore on each side of the creek plus its banks will be opened by July 4--the busiest beach day of the year.

But by noon Sunday, about 120 people had spread their towels on the sand south of where Aliso Creek spills into the ocean, lifeguard Jim Calkins said. That area, which is south of Aliso Pier, was still not particularly crowded, he added.


The entire length of the popular beach, from Treasure Island to Table Rock, was closed for several days last week when 900,000 gallons of sewage from a broken pipeline spilled into Aliso Creek and drained into the ocean. It was the county’s largest such spill in about a year and the third in Aliso Creek this year.

With the bulk of the raw sewage swept out to sea, county health officials Saturday reopened parts of Aliso Beach in time for Tuesday’s anticipated beach crowds.

South Aliso Beach, as well as Camels Point, Laguna Royale and West Street beach, were opened after county water officials determined that the water is safe for swimming.
