
World : Soviet Magazine to Excerpt ‘Gulag’

From Times wire services

A leading Soviet literary magazine said today it will begin printing excerpts of exiled writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s once-taboo “Gulag Archipelago” in August, and the Soviet Writers’ Union petitioned for restoration of his citizenship.

“This is a most authoritative study on this extremely complicated and tragic period in our history,” Novy Mir magazine secretary Grigory Reznechenko said of the book, a searing expose of life in Soviet concentration camps.

The Writers’ Union has restored the Nobel Prize-winning author’s membership, which was stripped in 1969, and requested that his Soviet citizenship be returned, Reznechenko said.


The developments could clear the way for his return to the Soviet Union.

Solzhenitsyn, 70, was forced aboard a plane for the West in 1974 and has lived as a recluse in Cavendish, Vt., for 15 years.
