
Man Launches Campaign to Oust Bernson

Times Staff Writer

A Northridge businessman who owns property in an area that Los Angeles City Councilman Hal Bernson wants to see redeveloped has launched a recall drive against Bernson, according to a document filed Monday with the city clerk’s office.

Walter N. Prince, of Chatsworth, said he has formed a group called Citizens United to Recall Bernson. He said he is the only active member of the group.

Prince owns an industrial building on Parthenia Street in Northridge, where Bernson initiated the redevelopment study. Bernson, who could not be reached for comment Monday, said in May that an obstacle to transforming the area into a business park has been the reluctance of some property owners to sell at fair market value to a redevelopment agency.


Their reluctance prompted the city to undertake the study, expected to last a year, to determine whether the area is blighted enough to qualify under state law as a redevelopment zone. If it qualifies, a redevelopment agency could use condemnation powers to force owners to sell their land.

Prince, in a letter circulated among the area’s property owners last month, wrote: “We will NOT sit still and allow them to try to STEAL our property.”

Prince said Monday the redevelopment study was only one of several issues on which he differs with Bernson. Others include a Bernson-backed development plan for Porter Ranch.


Representatives of PRIDE, a group of Porter Ranch opponents, said Monday the group has not taken a position on a recall of Bernson.
