
Penalties of Being a Good Samaritan

I was so interested in (Berkley Hudson’s) “Stranger at the Door” in The Times on June 4. I have long wondered just how far kindness should go after an experience I had three years or so ago.

I was drinking my tea about 8 in the morning when my doorbell rang. I answered it and there stood a young man who said: “Lady, I’m hungry. Can you give me a glass of milk?” I said “Yes, of course.” I got the milk and unlocked the chain on the door to give it to him. With that he put the palm of his hand over my face, pushed me in and said: “Sit here and don’t make a sound.”

He started looking in an antique chest and found an extension cord and proceeded to tie me up. Then he started searching through all my purses. He only found $30. There was more in with my credit cards but he missed it. He told me not to scream.


After he left I started to untie myself. What a project, but I finally did it and called the office and my son, who came right over. I never spent another day or night there. Now I live with one of my lovely granddaughters.


San Gabriel
