
Disregard for Impact on Community

Returning after a six-week absence from Glendale, I first noticed the progress of the new housing development Sunset Ridge. Then I picked up the June 22 Glendale Section of the paper and saw the following two headlines: “City Council Votes to Allow Developer to Cut Ridge,” and “Glendale Schools’ Use of Portable Classrooms Reaches Record Levels.” Please excuse me for sounding impertinent but it seems to me that even an idiot could make some connection between these two headlines.

It seems City Council members Larry Zarian (a developer himself), Ginger Bremberg and Dick Jutras all feel that 25 additional houses are worth cutting up yet another section of the Verdugo Mountains.

The aspect of this “luxury home” development frenzy that we are in the midst of that really sickens me is the complete disregard for its impact on the community of Glendale. Does anyone besides me wonder where the children of these new Glendale residents will go to school? Does anyone besides me question the strain that will be put on the public services like water and sewers? You can bet that all the houses in Sunset Ridge, Rancho San Rafael and now this new Gregg-Gangi development will sport water-gluttonous front and back lawns. What about the impact on our landfill? What about the ability of our police and fire departments to serve and protect this burgeoning city? What will happen to the endangered native oaks and sycamores, the deer, the chaparral and all the smaller forms of life it supports?


I beg the City Council members and the Planning Commission to think about our future with respect to all of the aspects of growth. I urge the private citizens of Glendale to please make your voices heard. Think of how much better our lives can be if only we have the guts to participate in our community.


