
The Nation : Reputed Drug Cartel Member Arraigned

The reputed No. 3 man in Colombia’s Cali drug cartel was arraigned in a Miami prison under tight security for fear fellow cocaine traffickers might try to free him, federal officials said. The Cali cartel--a rival to the better-known Medellin cocaine cartel--operates out of the city of Cali and has grabbed a growing share of Colombia’s drug trade, Drug Enforcement Administration officials said. Luis Santacruz Echeverri, 35, was arraigned by U.S. Magistrate Samuel Smargon in a prison administrative office at the federal Metropolitan Correctional Center. Santacruz was indicted June 14 on 14 counts of cocaine possession and distribution in the seizure in July, 1987, of 2 1/2 tons of cocaine. Santacruz pleaded innocent at the arraignment. No trial date has been set.
