
Vasilakos Named President of Long-Distance Company

George J. Vasilakos, who formerly headed Michigan-based ALC Communications, has been named president and chief operating officer of rival Com Systems, a regional long-distance telecommunications carrier based in Van Nuys.

Rex A. Licklider, Com Systems’ founder and chief executive, said Vasilakos will handle “day-to-day operating responsibilities, which will allow me to devote more time and attention to acquisitions and strategic planning.”

Before becoming president and chief executive of ALC Communications, Vasilakos held senior management positions with Lexitel Corp. before it merged with Allnet to produce ALC. Until the merger last year of two other regional carriers into Atlanta-based TelecomUSA, ALC had been the nation’s fourth-largest long-distance carrier after American Telephone & Telegraph, MCI and U S Sprint. Vasilakos also was an executive with Southern Pacific Communications, a forerunner of today’s Sprint.
