
ANDERSON, BRUFORD, WAKEMAN, HOWE “Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman, Howe.” Arista. ** : POP STARS ***** Great Balls of Fire **** Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door *** Good Vibrations ** Maybe Baby * Ain’t That a Shame

Let’s call them Yup for short. The reunion album by these Yes alumni (who lost a battle over the use of the Yes name to another set of Yes members) attempts a return to the halcyon early-’70s days, when progressive rock was king. The Yup album isn’t progressive, but it is at least consistently tuneful and well-crafted. As in the good old days, Jon Anderson’s cherubic voice rises above silly lyrics given to hazy philosophizing--in this case much of it revolving around the obvious theme of reunion. Yup manages some pretty, shimmering ballads, but lacks the blazing drive of the vintage Yes of “Fragile” and “Close to the Edge.” Chris Squire, the powerhouse bassist who rounded out that old lineup, is missed, while guitarist Steve Howe is too often missing in action.
