
AL GREEN “I Get Joy.” A&M; ** : POP STARS ***** Great Balls of Fire **** Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door *** Good Vibrations ** Maybe Baby * Ain’t That a Shame

An album of roughly half-religious and half-romantic songs like this one by the Rev. Green isn’t a good idea. Those who prefer one kind of music don’t want to be bothered--on the same album--with a lot of material from the other genre. And in this case, the scales tip more toward gospel, as the lyrics of some of these romantic songs have religious overtones. Green seems to be more interested in not offending religious fans than pleasing his pop/R&B; audience.

Green--the top romantic R&B; singer of the early ‘70s, known for his passionate, near-orgasmic style--switched to gospel in the late ‘70s. In the last few years, though, he’s been easing back into romantic R&B.; But he’s not singing love songs with that same old passion. His edge is gone. Maybe he doesn’t invest the same fervor into those love songs because, as a cleric, he now regards that material differently. For whatever reason, as a romantic singer, he’s sunk from great to just above average. Thus, the religious half of this album is fine. The pop/R&B; parts, though, are bland. The message is clear: Green should stick to what he does best, which, these days, is religious music.
