
Hooks Criticizes High Court’s Civil Rights Decisions

From Associated Press

President Bush’s minority policies bode well for blacks, but the legacy of Ronald Reagan lives on in recent unfavorable Supreme Court rulings, the executive director of the NAACP said Sunday.

“This Supreme Court is dangerous to the well-being of black people, women and other minorities,” said Benjamin L. Hooks.

Minority group leaders may need to revive the civil disobedience of decades past if the Bush Administration and Congress fail to counter the anti-civil rights sentiment fostered by the high court, Hooks said.


Hooks said the unfavorable rulings concerned affirmative action and civil rights.

May Call Demonstrations

“If Congress does not act, we must call upon our citizenry to mount such powerful demonstrations that the group gathered in China not long ago will look like a few compared with the millions that we mobilize,” he said.

Hooks issued copies of the speech he gave Sunday night during an afternoon news conference on the first day of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People’s annual convention.
