
NATION : Baby Born With Bullet in Chest

<i> From Times wire service</i> s

A girl born with a bullet in her chest after her mother was shot was in satisfactory condition today after surgery.

“What should I name her? Miracle Baby, or what?” asked Evelyn Page, 31, who gave birth Saturday, 8 1/2 months into her pregnancy, after being shot with a small-caliber firearm. Page, who also was in satisfactory condition, said she was shot by a man who accosted her on the street and demanded that she get into his car.

“I knew my baby had been shot, the way my baby started moving in me,” Page said. “My baby started moving real fast. She kicked the whole time.”


The infant, delivered by Cesarean section, underwent surgery to remove the bullet shortly after birth. The bullet broke a rib but did not damage internal organs.
