
Countywide : Supervisors Back Call for Flag Amendment

The Board of Supervisors endorsed President Bush’s call for a constitutional amendment banning desecration of the American flag Tuesday, saying, “we believe our flag deserves preservation of its dignity.”

In a letter to Bush, the supervisors said: “We believe that the flag, the symbol and spirit of the people of these United States of America, is worth protecting and preserving as did those individuals who gave their lives in its defense.”

Supervisors Chairman Thomas F. Riley, a retired Marine Corp brigadier general, said the letter will be signed by the five supervisors, all of whom are Republicans. Only three were present for Tuesday’s vote, however.


In addition to Riley, Supervisors Gaddi H. Vasquez and Roger R. Stanton supported the letter. Supervisors Harriett M. Wieder and Don R. Roth were absent.
