
Monrovia : Police Get Hikes in Budget

Monrovia’s Police Department, particularly its gang and drug-prevention unit, will get a big increase in funding in the $22.8-million 1989-90 city budget adopted by the City Council last week.

Police will get $77,000 for increased staffing, including more jailers. The department’s gang and drug-prevention program will receive $55,000.

The new fiscal plan is up from the city’s $21.6-million 1988-89 budget, with no property tax increases. Expected revenue from retail sales tax will constitute 35% of the city’s General Fund of $11.3 million. Completion of the Chevrolet and Mazda auto dealerships and the new Home Depot is expected to generate an additional $400,000 in sales tax to the city.


Fees from license and permits are expected to increase by 37%, or $80,000, over this year’s income. Describing the city’s financial condition as generally strong, City Manager Jim Starbird said in a report that a $2.6-million shortfall is expected for meeting long-term capital improvement needs over the next five years.
