
Coast Panel Gives OK for ‘Mini-City’

The state Coastal Commission on Wednesday approved changes in the local coastal plan that will allow developers to erect a “mini-city” on the site of the old Pike amusement park in Long Beach.

The mixed-use development of offices, shops, hotels and residences will eventually employ 8,000 workers and provide homes for 2,000 people. Scheduled for ground-breaking next year, the $1-billion project will be built in phases over a 13-year period by the development team of The Ratkovich Co. and Enterprise Development West Inc., a subsidiary of a James Rouse Co.

While the commissioners unanimously approved coastal plan amendments to permit a much larger development than previously envisioned for the 13-acre waterfront site, they expressed concerns about traffic congestion and air pollution associated with the massive project.


Commissioner Charles Warren also expressed doubt that people who worked in the complex’s offices and shops would also live there--a scenario that the developers have been painting as a way of cutting down on commuter traffic.

“We are doing this, assured of results each of us knows will not be attained. I’m troubled by this, but I’m not sure what we can do about it,” Warren said.
