
Fountain Valley : Amnesty Program Set for Owners of Dogs

Dog owners who have failed to get their animals licensed are being offered amnesty throughout this month by the city. If you renew your dog’s expired license anytime in July, you will not be charged the standard $15 penalty.

Dog license fees are $22 per pet, or $11 if the dog is spayed or neutered. Half-year licenses are available for $13.50, or $6.50 for spayed or neutered dogs. That same rate goes for dog owners who are 65 years or older.

Mail-in forms for licenses can be obtained from Fountain Valley City Hall at 10200 Slater Ave., or from the Orange County Animal Shelter at 516 The City Drive South, in Orange.


The amnesty month is part of a push by the city and the county--which provides animal control services for Fountain Valley--to recoup the fees for “a backlog of several thousand” expired licenses, a city spokeswoman said.

Any dog 4 months of age or older is required by law to be licensed.
