
2 Times Correspondents Honored in Inter American Press Contest

From Associated Press

The Los Angeles Times, the Associated Press and Time magazine are among the winners in the 1989 awards competition of the Inter American Press Assn., the IAPA announced Wednesday.

Times correspondents Richard Boudreaux and Marjorie Miller won in the spot news/reporting category for their two-part series on Nicaragua’s ruling Sandinista party. The series ran in October, 1988.

The awards, recognizing excellence in coverage of Western Hemisphere news, will be presented at IAPA’s general assembly Oct. 9-12 in Monterrey, Mexico.


Other winners are:

-- IAPA-Tom Wallace Award: The Associated Press for an extensive series, written by 23 reporters, on the plight of abandoned children in the hemisphere.

-- IAPA-La Nacion of Buenos Aires Award: Time magazine for cover stories on drug problems.

-- IAPA-Tom Wallace Award for Illustration: David Walters of the Miami Herald for photographs of disturbances in Panama.

-- IAPA-Tom Wallace Award for Investigative Reporting: Alfonso Chardy, Sam Dillon and Andres Oppenheimer, all of the Miami Herald, for a series on the Panamanian military’s control of that country’s economy.


-- Feature Reporting: Roger Cohen of the Wall Street Journal for his article on “train-surfing” children in Rio de Janeiro.

-- Interpretive Commentary: John Zakarian of the Hartford (Conn.) Courant for his series on Central America.

-- IAPA-Jamaica Daily Gleaner Award for editorial writing: Rick Nichols of the Philadelphia Inquirer for an editorial on Central America.


-- IAPA-Pedro Joaquin Chamorro Award for Freedom of the Press: Collectively to the journalists of Colombia for condemning drug cartels and for having “suffered so much for their courage and convictions.”

-- IAPA-Pedro G. Beltran Top Publication Award in Latin America: La Nueva Provincia of Bahia Blanca, Argentina, for support of the handicapped in the workplace.

-- IAPA-Harmodio Arias award for human rights: Mariela Balbi of La Republica of Lima, Peru, for articles on violence against innocent civilians.

The winners were announced by Roberto Fabricio of the Ft. Lauderdale (Fla.) News/Sun-Sentinel, chairman of the IAPA Awards Committee.
