
The Nation : Most Appalachia Miners to End Strike

Most union miners in Appalachia decided to return to work with their Midwestern and Southern colleagues, but many stayed out of the West Virginia coal fields where wildcat strikes began last month. Many United Mine Workers locals met and voted to heed union President Richard Trumka’s request that the miners return to work. But union officials said there were enough disgruntled miners in southern West Virginia to disrupt the coal fields again. “Man, they’re upset,” said Danny Wells, of UMW District 17, the nation’s largest with 6,000 miners. “They feel nothing’s been won yet.” Angry miners began setting up wildcat pickets late Sunday at mine sites throughout Logan County. Wildcat walkouts by as many as 46,000 miners supporting 1,900 striking Pittston Coal Group workers have idled much of the nation’s coal production since June 12.
