
Santa Ana : Agency’s OK Given Bowers Museum Project

After 8 weeks of sitting on the Santa Ana Community Redevelopment Agency’s back burner, Bowers Museum’s $12-million renovation and expansion project finally got the go-ahead Tuesday night. At its monthly meeting, the agency unanimously approved the hiring of Bissell Architects of Newport Beach, and of Holmes & Narver Inc. of Orange as project manager.

Josie De Falla, Bowers’ associate director, said the reason for the delay was that the agency has been working on the city budget and “wanted to be very prudent” in seeing how the project would fit into the city’s financial picture. The agency allocated $460,500 for the building design and $278,282 for design and construction management services.

De Falla said Bissell Architects’ design drawings should be ready for approval by the museum’s staff and board of governors by the end of the year, and the building is expected to be completed by mid-1991.


The project will be designed to leave room on museum land for future construction of a revenue-earning office tower.
