
The State : Flag-Burning Protest Held

San Francisco police broke up a group of people burning the American flag outside a hotel where Vice President Dan Quayle was speaking. Three were arrested after about 20 helmeted officers armed with billy clubs moved against the group blocking an intersection near the Fairmont Hotel. Also on hand were about 200 anti-Quayle demonstrators protesting U.S. policies in Central America. Only a small group was involved in the burning of the flag, which police said appeared to have been stolen from the nearby Mark Hopkins Hotel. One person was charged with theft of a flag and the two others with assault on a police officer. Police also arrested photographer Pete DaSilva, on assignment for the Associated Press, charging him with battery on a police officer. City Supervisor Jim Gonzales, one of the peaceful demonstrators, told reporters: “I hope Quayle and his friends stop their orgy of sending dollars to Central America for military aid. It hurts cities like San Francisco that are trying to battle the AIDS and crack epidemics.”
