
Brown Resigns From Board at Hollywood Park

Hal W. Brown Jr., who was convicted last month in federal court of an antitrust violation in connection with the billboard industry, has resigned as chairman of Hollywood Park Realty Enterprises and as a board member of Hollywood Park, a spokesman for the race track announced Wednesday.

According to his attorney, Richard Favretto, Brown will also resign as senior vice president of the Gannett Outdoor Co., effective Aug. 1. Brown formerly was chairman and chief executive officer at Gannett Outdoor.

Brown and Michael F. Tobey, a former executive with Metromedia Inc., were found guilty of conspiring to suppress competition for the renewal of billboard locations in Southern California, and of reducing rents paid by billboard companies to property owners.


Brown, 56, was elected to Hollywood Park’s board of directors in 1987. He owns slightly less than 1% of the stock in the track.
