
Drive to Preserve Movie Studios Gains

A move to preserve some of the movie studio buildings dating to Hollywood’s golden age has gained acceptance from studios and preservationists, City Councilman Michael Woo said Thursday.

“I think that we can preserve Hollywood’s precious past without sacrificing its future,” Woo said at a press conference at the gates of Paramount Studios on Melrose Avenue.

A task force sponsored by Woo, whose district includes Hollywood, and made up of studio executives and preservationists has helped win commitments from the studios to preserve historically significant structures on their lots.


The task force was formed in December as an attempt to resolve a dispute between and Hollywood Center Studios and preservationists over the studio’s plan to demolish some seismically unsafe buildings on its lot.

Woo said the task force’s work has resulted in plans for improvements at Paramount, Hollywood Center and Raleigh studios in Hollywood.
