
Countywide : Airport Search Group to Trim List of Locations

The Airport Site Coalition, which has a federal grant to study sites for a new airport to supplement John Wayne Airport, is scheduled to trim its list to four potential locations today.

At previous meetings of the group, residents of west Orange County communities successfully argued to have the Los Alamitos Armed Forces Reserve Center and the Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station removed from consideration because of urban encroachment and the existing concentration of air traffic.

Today’s session, open to the public, will begin at 8:30 a.m. in the Fluor Daniel building at the Park Place office complex, 3333 Michaelson Drive, Irvine.


Part of the discussion, coalition members said, may involve a bill introduced by Rep. C. Christopher Cox (R-Newport Beach) to bar joint civilian-military use of the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station.

Several south county groups have joined to support Cox’s legislation, which has been criticized by the Airport Site Coalition.
