
Court Ruling on Holiday Displays

If there is any “blurring (of) the line” as to the Supreme Court’s decision upholding a lighted menorah on public property (editorial, July 5), it’s not with the court in this instance for the Nativity is the “birth” of the man whom Christians adore and fundamental to the Christian religious connection. Hanukkah is a “Jewish” festival, but commemorates a military victory by the Maccabees over the Syrians on the issue of religious freedom. The holiday carries with it none of the commands and restrictions as written in the Torah, the Jewish Bible. It’s become a “major” holiday as a counterpart to the secular appeal found in this Christian religious holiday, and the story of the birth of Jesus.

As one who believes firmly in the separation of church and state, I hope the Hasid sect that sought the constitutional answer received will not go beyond the display of a lighted menorah and not seek to convert this ceremony into a religious event. The Jewish organizations that opposed the lighting need to be alert, and caution any action that goes beyond what was approved by the court.


Pacific Palisades
