
Concierge Can Cut Cost

Concierge, a two-year-old discount-card company that claims more than 5,000 members, offers discounts off regular room rates at about 350 domestic and 40 international hotels.

In addition, the Denver-based firm has discounts at 2,000 condominiums domestically and internationally.

At the domestic properties, the discounts are 50% off regular rates. At hotels abroad, 20% to 60%.


Offered in virtually all the room categories at participating properties, discounts are for the length of the stay and start with the first night. Reservations must be made within 30 days of the first night’s stay.

Condo discounts are 50% to 60%, but you have to stay a minimum of one week to get the discount.

Like other programs of this type, rooms are offered on a space-available basis. Hotels participate in this kind of plan to fill up when they are most empty. Blackout periods over holidays are possible.


Card for Spouses

The cost of Concierge membership for one year is $69.95. The company will issue a second wallet-size card for spouses at no extra charge.

Members receive a quarterly newsletter listing hotels and telephone numbers. Reservations, however, have to be made directly with the individual hotel, not through a central reservations number.

Members also can have reservations made for them by calling Concierge’s toll-free number, which is only available during business hours Monday through Friday. There is a $10 charge per change/cancellation.


Reservations are confirmed, so make sure you get a confirmation number.

Among participating hotels are Omni Ambassador Hotel, Chicago; Plaza Hotel, New York City; Sheraton Harbor Island East, San Diego; King Edward Hotel, Toronto; Marriott’s Sam Lord’s Castle, Barbados; Holiday Inn, Freeport, Bahamas, and the Berkshire Hotel, London.

Concierge, through arrangements with other discount organizations, may also be able to offer discounts on cruises and car rentals.

Contact Concierge at 1050 Yuma St., Suite 310, Denver, Colo. 80204. The toll-free number is (800) 346-1022.
