
The Shining (Channel 13 Sunday at 1...

The Shining (Channel 13 Sunday at 1 p.m.): Two gentleman initialed S.K.--writer Stephen King and director Stanley Kubrick--join forces at a snowbound lodge where an all-American family degenerates into chaos. With Jack Nicholson, at his most demonic. (2:00)

The Rules of the Game (Bravo Sunday at 8 p.m. and 1 a.m.): Many film critics rank this 1939 Jean Renoir classic--about a weekend of romantic escapades at a country chateau escalating from comedy to farce to tragedy--second only to “Citizen Kane” among the world’s greatest films. The mood is Mozartean and lyrical, the social portrayal entrancing and complex. (1:45)

The Crime of Monsieur Lange (Bravo Wednesday at 9 p.m.): This little-shown 1936 gem, co-written with Jacques (“Children of Paradise”) Prevert, is one of Renoir’s finest: a deadly serious comedy about co-operatives and pulp Westerns, exploitation, murder and true love. (1:30)


Excalibur (Channel 13 Saturday at 3 p.m.): The most pictorially stunning of all movie adaptations of the Arthurian legends, directed by John (“Hope and Glory”) Boorman. (3:00)
