
Stage Reviews : Black Women in Urban Drama

“Looking for a Man,” at the Communications Bridge Institute, is a paean to the black woman’s search for a black man.

Co-directors and co-writers Sylvia Roberts and Mildred Dumas (who ably star in the play with three other women) have fashioned what amounts to an outrageously dated theme: a literal plea for black women to stop dating men of other races and bring black men back into their fold, warts and all.

The playwrights create a character (played with brass by Jennifer Dove) who acts as a foil by defending her right to make white dates. (They’re all man-hungry.) Then, at the end and for no reason, she suddenly joins in a group ode to the virtues of sticking to your own race. The production, set in an apartment, has its vibrant moments, but it’s not hard to call this a racist play, certainly out of tune with its time.

At 1272 Bronson Ave., Friday and Saturday. Closes Saturday, 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $7.50-$15. (213) 732-0605.
