
Sen. Roberti on Abortion

I deeply resent state Senate Leader David Roberti’s pejorative remarks about women and abortion (“Abortion Issue Divides Roberti and Old Allies,” Part I, July 17).

Roberti said that “people who view abortion as a paramount issue are selfishly telling him to place their interests above the needs of his other constituents.” I believe that Roberti is attempting to force his religious beliefs on others through his elected position. If Roberti and his other constituents don’t believe in or want an abortion, then I suggest that they not get one.

Roberti goes on to say that “they (pro-choice supporters) are saying their life styles and their issues is more important than someone else’s.” Roberti is attempting to portray pro-choice women as carefree, cocktail-sipping socialites, when in fact, Newsweek magazine cited statistics this month indicating that the majority of women who obtain abortions are low income and nonwhite.


Roberti thinks that because he has supported other liberal issues in the past, like gun control and gay rights, that his liberal constituency should be satisfied with that. I believe, however, that a woman cannot have equal rights without first having reproductive rights.


Los Angeles
