
Martin Marietta Corp.: The Bethesda, Md., aerospace...

Martin Marietta Corp.: The Bethesda, Md., aerospace company reported second-quarter earnings of $135.8 million, up 8% from a year ago. Sales were roughly the same at $1.4 billion. The company cited results from its astronautics group, with increased production of the Titan IV space rocket.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. July 29, 1989 FOR THE RECORD
Los Angeles Times Saturday July 29, 1989 Home Edition Business Part 4 Page 2 Column 6 Financial Desk 1 inches; 27 words Type of Material: Correction
Martin Marietta Corp. reported a second-quarter profit of $86.9 million, compared to $81.4 million in the same period a year ago. An item in Tuesday’s earnings roundup misstated those results.
