
1 Killed, 4 Hurt as Gunman Opens Fire

A gunman armed with an assault rifle opened fire on a group of people in Watts, killing one and wounding four others during a weekend of gang violence that claimed three lives, police said Monday.

At least 11 people were wounded in attacks that included a drive-by shooting in the heart of Hollywood and the kidnaping, rape and robbery of a woman in Long Beach.

Five people were standing on a sidewalk at Juniper and 107th streets in Watts about 9:45 p.m. Sunday when they were “ambushed” by a suspected gang member, Sgt. Kevin McCarthy said.


Friends took George Luna, 21, to Martin Luther King Jr./Drew Medical Center where he was dead on arrival. Benita Ramirez, 19, was in critical condition at the same hospital. Angelica Romero, 18, and Oscar Soto and Lorian Llamas, both 19, were in stable condition at the medical center.
