
Wives Outpace Husbands in Income Rise

From Associated Press

Wives’ incomes have increased nearly twice as fast as their husbands’ in recent years, but the man is still the major breadwinner for most families, the Census Bureau reported today.

Between 1981 and 1987 the average earnings of wives jumped 23.3%, while husbands’ income climbed 11.8% in the same period, according to the study, “Earnings of Married-Couple Families: 1987.”

That brought the average income of wives to $13,245 in 1987, compared with $29,154 for husbands.


“More of them (wives) are working year-round, full time, instead of part time,” explained U.S. Census statistician Robert W. Cleveland. In past years, he said, women were more likely to accept part-time jobs, resulting in lower average income.

“Also, more women are in professional and technical jobs which tend to have better pay,” Cleveland added.
