
The Nation : Wright Case Lawyer May Probe Gingrich

The House Ethics Committee said it plans to hire the Chicago law firm that conducted the Jim Wright investigation to review a complaint against Republican Whip Newt Gingrich of Georgia. Gingrich’s charges against Wright led to an 11-month investigation conducted by Richard J. Phelan, of the firm Phelan, Pope & John Ltd. Wright quit as Speaker and resigned from the House after the committee charged him with 69 rules violations. Rep. Bill Alexander (D-Ark.) accused Gingrich, who arranged a controversial investment partnership to promote a book he co-authored, in a complaint last April of violating campaign finance laws, House limits on outside income and a House rule preventing acceptance of gifts from those with a direct interest in legislation. Gingrich has called Alexander’s charges “baseless.” A member of the law firm said Phelan would be the lead attorney if the House Administration Committee approves a contract.
