
HIGH LIFE: A WEEKLY FORUM FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS : Collectors Spurred by Nostalgia, Beauty--and Fun

Whether as a memento of vacations past or hope for profits future, nearly everyone has a collection of something.

From foreign coins and baseball cards to coffee mugs and McDonald’s memorabilia, the collections of teen-agers help to prove they aren’t always as typical as they are often made out to be. Hot Topics wonders: “What do you collect as a hobby?”

“I collect LPs--record albums. I like the classic ones, because I like to listen to them. Maybe there’s only one song I like on the record, but I’ll buy it anyway.”


Shannon Bedra, 17,

senior, Buena Park

“I have hats, T-shirts and Frisbees. I like wearing hats. I always have a different one on.”

Jesse Garza , 17,

junior, Buena Park

“Trophies of baseball, football and motorcycle racing and stuff I’ve been in.”

Don Graham, 17,

senior, Buena Park

“I collect a lot of things. I used to collect baseball cards, but now I have a lot of matchbooks. Knives, too.”

Chris Gonzales, 16,

senior, Buena Park

“I collect magazines, like Mad, and comic books. I also like car magazines.”

Tony Vargas, 15,

sophomore, Buena Park

“I have a full collection of records and posters--Sisters of Mercy, The Cure, lots of them. They’re rare English posters. I enjoy the music and the posters, and they’re collector’s items.”


Jeff Mather, 18,

senior, Costa Mesa

“Teddy bears are my favorite. They’re cute and I have all types, from dressed-up to old-fashioned.”

Kari Mather, 15,

sophomore, Costa Mesa

“Pencils, like the designer ones. I collect them because they’re cute. I also collect stamps.”

Claire Anderson, 15,

junior, El Modena

“Pig things, because pigs are cute.”

Kim Kowitz, 14,

freshman, El Modena

“Little figurines of animals for each one I raise.”

Mandy Meany, 14,

freshman, Foothill

“Flowers, because I like to remember the places I’ve been to by having beautiful things.”

Nicole Anderson, 15,

junior, Fullerton

“I don’t really collect anything. I have some coins from foreign countries, but I don’t collect them for a hobby.”


Aaron Leff, 14,

sophomore, Fullerton

“I have model horses. Do I collect things? I guess I collect animals--cats, strays and anything I find that needs a home.”

Jenny Hauf, 17,

junior, Mission Viejo

“I collect horse stuff, because I love horses and I have one.”

Carey Higgins, 15,

sophomore, Mission Viejo

“Stuffed animals, mostly, because I love the fur on them--they’re so soft.”

Kathi Goebell, 16,

junior, Orange

“Teddy bears, because they’re cute. I have about 50.”

April Klosterman, 15,

sophomore, Orange

“I collect the pictures of the sports I’m in and the teams.”

Jackie Solorio, 14,

sophomore, Orange

“Porcelain masks. I like collecting them and they’re interesting.”

Darla Waterson, 16,

junior, Orange

“Old coins. I am interested in the dates. They’re all pre-1965.”

Nick Westre, 18,

senior, Orange

“Baseball items I got from my family and friends. I like the sport.”

Ted Stelle, 14,

freshman, Newport Harbor

“Comic books, because they’re fun to read.”

Janet Tollman, 17,

senior, Sonora

“I have a collection of Madame Alexander dolls. They’re not really toys, they’re collectibles. My mom bought them for me when I was little.”

Alicia Van Valkenburg, 18,

senior, Sonora

“Little sheep items, because I like sheep.”

Elaine Bentz, 16,

junior, Sunny Hills

“Marilyn Monroe stuff, because I like her.”

Krystin Bombolis, 17,

senior, Sunny Hills

“Shot glasses from all of the states and places I’ve visited. I have over 15, but a few were broken in the earthquake.”

Marsha Callahan, 16,

sophomore, Sunny Hills

“Swatch watches and beads, because I make jewelry.”

Jena Hirschbein, 16,

senior, Sunny Hills

“Beer bottles, because I like the different labels.”

Jason Pierce, 16,

senior, Sunny Hills

“Pigs and sheep; items, that is. I get porcelain and ceramic miniatures, because I like animals.”

Carolyn Sheets, 16,

junior, Sunny Hills

“Stuffed animals. They’re cute, and I’ve been collecting them for seven years.”

Michelle Sora, 15,

sophomore, Sunny Hills

“Lambs--stuffed animals, that is, and lamb cups. I like lambs. They’re cute and furry, and they’re not messy like pigs.”

Scott Van Diest, 16,

junior, Sunny Hills

“Geodes--they’re fun to look at, and each one is different.”

Lisa Beck, 15,

sophomore, Valencia

“Anything that has to do with bald eagles, because I like them, and they signify freedom.”

James Blem, 15,

junior, Valencia

“Coins. All different coins. I’ve been collecting them for three years, when my grandparents gave me some.”


Matt Conroy, 14,

freshman, Valencia

“Little McDonald’s toys. Don’t ask me why. I guess it’s just because I’m different.”

Christina Gideon, 14,

freshman, Valencia

“Baseball cards. I don’t know why, I just do.”

Brian Manley, 16,

junior, Valencia

“Model horses, because I like horses . . . like the Briar horses.”

Andrea McArthur, 14,

freshman, Villa Park

“I have a collection of stickers, but I haven’t bought any in a while. I also collect horse pictures.”

Heather Baca, 16,

junior, Westminster

“Comic books. I don’t throw them away after I’m done reading them, because they’ll be worth a lot of money some day.”

Matt Bactat, 17,

senior, Westminster

“Marbles. I have a ton of them. It’s something to do.”

Kerry Jacques, 18,

senior, Westminster

“Stuff from the past, like my lamb’s old halter and pictures and stuff.”

Mark Okuda, 15,

sophomore, Westminster

“Anything with dinosaurs on it. I think they’re interesting.”

Jessica Paul, 17,

senior, Westminster

“Anything to do with Led Zepplin, because they made some killer music.”

Danny Phillips, 16,

junior, Westminster

“Baseball cards. I collect them for the money and stuff.”

John Von Flotow, 16,

junior, Westminster

Next Week’s Hot Topic:

Did you ever have a “dream come true”? What was it?

Hot Topic responses were gathered by Monica Neal at the Orange County Fair.

