

Clipboard researched by Rick VanderKnyff / Los Angeles Times; Graphics by Doris Shields / Los Angeles Times

Each week the Orange County Public Health Department reports to the state the incidence of various infectious diseases in the county. The following table details a selection of these afflictions for June, the most recent month for which information is available:

NUMBER OF CASES June Current Previous Year to Date % Disease 1989 Year to Date Year to Date Change, ‘88-’89 Acquired Immune 31 185 152 +22 Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Campylobacter 31 102 155 -34 Lapse of consciousness 165 813 866 -6 (non-alcohol related) Giardiasis 52 235 176 +34 Gonococcal infection 144 1,018 1,445 -30 Gonococcal infection, 13 68 33 +106 PPNG Hepatitis A 42 267 203 +32 Hepatitis B 52 302 207 +46 Lead Poisoning 16 97 358 -73 Measles (rubeola) 47 270 59 +358 Meningitis 21 84 90 -7 Salmonellosis 17 100 182 -45 Scarlet Fever 14 63 60 +5 Shigellosis 33 145 111 +31 Syphilis 41 323 719 -55 Tuberculosis 12 137 92 +49

Sources: Orange County Public Health Department, “Reported Cases of Specified Notifiable Diseases,” for November, 1988.


“Control of Communicable Diseases In Man,” an official report of the American Public Health Assn., Abram S. Benenson, editor, 1985, 4th edition.

“Better Homes and Gardens Family Medical Guide,” Donald G. Cooley, editor, 1973, 2nd edition.

“The Bantam Medical Dictionary,” prepared by Laurence Urdang Associates Ltd., 1982.

“Stedman’s Medical Dictionary,” Williams and Wilkins Co., 1973, 22nd edition.
