
NATION : Arkansas Congressman Switches to GOP After Blast at Democrats

<i> From Times wire service</i> s

Rep. Tommy F. Robinson of Arkansas, contending there is no room for conservative Southerners in the national Democratic Party, announced today he is switching to the Republican Party.

Robinson, a third-term congressman, made the announcement at a White House briefing where President Bush welcomed him to the GOP.

“Even after losing five of the last six presidential elections in the nation and Arkansas, the leadership of the Democratic Party still is unwilling to listen to the majority of the American people,” Robinson said.


Robinson was in the news earlier this year for giving a $60,000-a-year job on his congressional staff to the 22-year-old daughter of his close friend, business partner and financial backer, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones. Robinson reported owing at least $100,000 to Jones.

Robinson’s defection leaves the party lineup in the House at 256 Democrats and 176 Republicans, with three vacancies.
