
Bernardi Names 13 to Sylmar Advisory Panel

Los Angeles City Councilman Ernani Bernardi has appointed 13 Sylmar community activists, representing both business and homeowner interests, to serve on an advisory committee that will help shape the master land-use plan for the area.

The Sylmar community plan, a blueprint for development, will be the first of 35 such plans citywide to undergo revisions beginning in September. The residents will work with city planners to redraw zoning and land-use designations in Sylmar, which is the fastest-growing community in Los Angeles.

The members are Steven Anson, Charlotte Bedard, Clarence Broussard, Linda Chambers, Ed Cholokian, Karen Duvall, Jerry Goodman, Dee Hansen, Barbara Lindsey, Raymond Magana, Bob Rasmussen, Morris Wills and Margaret Whittington.


Four more members will be named later by Bernardi.
