
5 Rescued After Their Sailboat Sinks

A sailboat ran aground and sank Friday off Anacapa Island, but the crew managed to call for help before sinking and all five people aboard were rescued, the Coast Guard reported.

“It was pretty dramatic,” Petty Officer Dennis Hull said. “They put out a Mayday, gave their position, and told us what was happening. Then the radio went dead.”

A National Park Service boat arrived quickly on the scene, just west of Anacapa Island, part of the Channel Islands National Park, and plucked three people out of the ocean, Hull said.


“They were in the (60-degree) water 10 or 15 minutes,” Hull said. “Any longer, and we would have had a disaster.”

The other two people swam to rocks on Anacapa Island, where they were rescued by a Coast Guard patrol boat.
