
Hello, Gizmos; Goodby, Romance

Regarding the July 23 story, “The Incredible Shrinking PC”:

If the Times is correct, and “big and bulky” machines are going to give way to hand-held itty-bitty pocket computers, World War III is about to be launched in some American homes.

As it is, too many American men leave for work at dawn and do not return until dusk. The only reason these workaholics do not work after dinner is that their computer is back at the office. Now, Mr. Wirk Aholik will finish his coffee and dessert, kiss his wife’s cheek, and depart to the den. There he will turn to his favorite TV sportscast to achieve the sufficient level of noise needed for him to work with his HC (hand computer).

Psychologists tell us that relationships between men and women are made more difficult by the absence of intimacy between partners. Imagine trying to be intimate while he stares into his hand! But for the woman who hates her husband reading in bed (flipping those pages keeps her awake), cheer up. Now, she can be lulled to sleep by an HC beep.


Perhaps we’d better import some romantic types from Italy or France or even the Soviet Union. Those men are not accustomed to working so much, and I think a few of us are going to need some diversion.


