
Ambassador Site

In response to “Challenges Face Board’s Plan for School on Ambassador Site,” Metro, July 19:

As a former (circa 1962) Los Angeles Unified School District teacher--what madness! Nine thousand students live in the area and Board President Jackie Goldberg “wants those kids off the bus,” but only 2,000 would be served. What about the other 7,000? Impractical plan, yet the board can flaunt its power by suing for eminent domain. Not a way to promote public relations in your community.

Fight for conservancy and preserve this venerable and historic landmark. Surely the hotel could be used for something more practical. Think of all the homeless it could accommodate in a rehabilitation program as one solution!


Too much tearing down and rebuilding is going on all over Los Angeles County; we are never satisfied or appreciate what we have. What a shameful waste in these progressive, stressful times! And shame on the board members for their impractical ideas and intimidation.


